2020 COVID-19 Relief Work

2 min readDec 22, 2020


In addition to our 2020 annual grants, we awarded $1.3 million in COVID-19 relief grants to nonprofits serving people devastated by the pandemic. We made 79 COVID relief grants in partnership with W.K. Kellogg Foundation and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation as well as other New Mexico and national funders. In addition to the grant awards to nonprofits, Con Alma is partnering with the New Mexico Health Equity Partnership, an initiative at the Santa Fe Community Foundation, to collaborate with others working to address long-term policy and systemic change strategies that address health disparities and advance health equity as part of an equitable COVID-19 recovery.

We congratulate the COVID-19 Emergency Assistance Project and COVID-19 Relief for Immigrant Communities Grant Recipients!

Follow the links below to learn more about this year’s grantees from each category.

COVID-19 Emergency Assistance Project, To provide humanitarian aid to help some of the families and communities feeling the greatest strain under the COVID-19 health emergency (37 grants, totaling $770,000)

COVID-19 Relief for Immigrant Communities, Establishing and management of the COVID-19 Relief for Immigrant Communities in New Mexico Fund, to provide direct assistance to New Mexicans who are immigrants and create awareness about the structural barriers to their well-being (42 grants, totaling $622,000).

Learn more about each project by following the links below:

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation COVID-19 Emergency Assistance Project Description

W.K. Kellogg Foundation COVID-19 Relief for Immigrant Communities in New Mexico Project Description

Whether through the Foundation’s grantmaking, partnerships, research or reports, Con Alma serves as a catalyst for positive, systemic change. The emphasis of our grantmaking is on attaining long-term policy solutions and health equity that is informed by community voice.




Written by ConAlmaHealthFoundation

The Heart and Soul of Health in New Mexico

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