2023 New Mexico Sexual and Gender Minority Health Summit
Organized by the New Mexico SGM Health Collaborative
Theme: Seldom Heard Voices. We will focus on groups in our LGBTQ+ Communities who are often under-represented.
This year’s summit will include updates on policy, research, and programming connected to the health of LGBTQ+ people in New Mexico. We will also hear from experts on the health concerns of LGBTQ+ immigrants; LGBTQ+ people with chronic conditions and disabilities; and other groups in our communities whose voices often go unrecognized.
Saturday, November 11 · 9am — 2pm MST
The 2023 summit will be held in hybrid format: on UNM’s north campus or join by zoom.
Domenici Center for Health Sciences Education
1001 Stanford Drive Northeast Albuquerque, NM 87131
Registration Required: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2023-new-mexico-sexual-and-gender-minority-health-summit-tickets-675447410387
The 2023 summit will be held in hybrid format. You are welcome to join us on UNM’s north campus where parking is free on the weekend. If that is inconvenient, you can also join by zoom. Please do not register for both online and in-person participation as that will complicate our efforts to track the number of people who are attending.
For those who join us in Albuquerque, we will have coffee and bagels for your arrival and will serve lunch during which participants can meet and shmooze.
If you are involved in research or programming that focuses on LGBTQ+ people in New Mexico and would like to share information about your work at the summit, please email Robert at nmcap@yahoo.com with a short summary of the work you’d like to present.
If you have questions about the summit, you can reach Robert at the above email.