Nominate a Hero of Health!

2 min readOct 4, 2021


Nominate a Hero of Health Today! Nominations close Friday, October 22nd, 2021 by 5:00 PM.

Con Alma Health Foundation invites you to nominate a 2021 Hero of Health — someone who makes a significant difference in the health of their community. We honor individuals each year who are passionate about improving health in New Mexico. Due to the extraordinary challenges of the past 1 1/2 years, we want to devote our health hero award this year to someone who has persevered through pandemic challenges to lift up others in need, to support people’s mental, emotional, spiritual and/or physical health. We want to hear about unsung heroes.

Nominations for Con Alma’s 2021 Hero of Health open Tuesday, October 4th and close Friday, October 22nd, 2021 by 5:00 PM.

Nominate a Hero Today!

Heroes can work in any field, and this year’s focus will be on unsung heroes, including teachers, volunteers, custodians, child-care staff, nursing-home aides, food-distribution workers, bus drivers, support staff at hospitals, clinics and schools, and other essential workers who have contributed to New Mexico’s well-being.

If you know someone who is dedicated to improving health in New Mexico we want to hear from you.

Con Alma will donate $1,000 to a New Mexico nonprofit of the honoree’s choosing. This is the 13th year Con Alma has honored individuals who are making a difference. Last year, Con Alma recognized Leroy “Buster” Silva, community coordinator of Notah Begay III Foundation.

Heroes Alumnae

Past heroes include: Trinidad de jesus Arguello, PhD., LCSW, PMHRN-BC-RN, co-founder and administrator of Compostela Community and Family Cultural Institute, Tom Faber, a pediatrician and clinical director at Zuni Indian Health Service Hospital; Ophelia Reeder, facilitator of the McKinley County Health Council; Mary Stoecker, retired health promotion specialist for the New Mexico Department of Health in Silver City; Douglas Meiklejohn, executive director of the NM Environmental Law Center, and Lauren Reichelt, director of Rio Arriba County Department of Health & Human Services; Kim Posich, executive director of New Mexico Center on Law and Poverty; Vicki Johnson, creator of a home-visiting, educational program for first-time parents; Juliana Anastasoff, a health extension rural officer in Taos for the University of New Mexico; Chuck Howe, founder of the National Veterans Wellness and Healing Center in Angel Fire; Rebecca Palacios, who addresses health disparities by improving drinking water in the colonias and enhancing the diets of Mexican-American households; and Kristine Suozzi, a public health advocate with New Mexico Health Equity Working Group.




Written by ConAlmaHealthFoundation

The Heart and Soul of Health in New Mexico

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